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Getting Help With Glass

I have always had problems renovating my home, which is one of the reasons I started focusing so seriously on finding contractors. I began going through and looking for incredible places who could help with everything from replacing my carpet to taking care of finding new glass, and a few months ago, I was able to find a contractor that I felt really great about working with. They went through my home and replaced all of the auto glass, and I was really impressed with how great of a job they did for me. This blog is all about getting help with glass.




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Getting Help With Glass

3 Things To Consider When Enclosing A Patio

by Lynn Webb

Enclosing a patio is a great option for homeowners who want to enjoy outdoor living and to increase their home's living space. There are a variety of ways in which patios can be enclosed. There are options that work for homeowners who want a lot of air flow, and there are options for homeowners who are looking for more temperature control. Here are three things that homeowners who are considering enclosing their patios should consider.


The cost of enclosing a patio can vary greatly depending on the materials used and the amount of construction required. Simply screening in an existing space can cost as little as a few hundred dollars while building a dedicated sun room with windows and doors can cost tens of thousands. It costs on average between $8,429 and $23,106 to enclose a patio. Some things that can add to the total include electric and plumbing hookups, glass windows, roofing materials, and adding new walls. If extending the space out, the cost of the patio's foundation must also be taken into account.

The Weather

Another thing to consider when enclosing a patio is the weather. For areas where temperatures dip in the wintertime, a heat source will be necessary in order to enjoy the space when temperatures drop. This could be anything ranging from a fireplace to a small heater. When temperatures rise, keeping the space cool is also necessary in order to keep the patio comfortable. Ceiling fans or small air conditioners often work well in enclosed patios. The average cost to install a ceiling fan is between $143 and $351. Keeping weather conditions in mind is a must when enclosing a patio.


Those who are planning on enclosing their patio and are planning on adding windows should consider the type of windows they are adding. If the homeowners are planning on making the patio into a sun room with furniture, adding window film to protect from UV rays is a must. Double-pane and triple-pane windows are energy efficient and are a great option for enclosed patios. Homeowners who live in hurricane-prone parts of the country may want to consider windows that can stand up to high winds. Windows with hurricane glass cost around $575 per window and can help keep the home and the patio safe in the event of a storm. 

When enclosing a patio it's important to keep a few things in mind. The cost can vary greatly. Screening in a patio is going to be less expensive than creating a sun room. Climate should also be taken into consideration. Areas that have large temperature fluctuations may require additional cooling and heating sources in order for the patio to be comfortable year-round. Windows are also something that should be considered when enclosing a patio. Energy efficient windows and windows that can hold up to high winds may be a good investment is certain parts of the country. 

For more information about what to consider when building your patio enclosure, contact businesses like Aladdin's Glass & Screen Products Inc.
